Friday, July 06, 2012


Amsterdam food wasn't all that riveting, but I did regret not taking my camera to Max in the canals--pretty yummy french-indo food

Had a really interesting dish of callops in Riesling sauce w/ cinnamon and caramel. Also had a fish in spicy sauce in banana leaf which I forget about in great detail but whatever. I also had a banana 'pie' (which seems more like tartine) which was amazing, and with coconut saffron ice cream.:
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And then my two faves: dutch pancakes and pickled herring!! ^_^

Dutch pancakes w/ 'bacon' and apples. Yum. Can't remember the cafe but it was just west of the Old Center.

Pickled herring sammich! in the Jordaan there were these little stalls along the canals. <3 x 10.


On my first day, I Yelped for the nearest resto and ended up with the Pakhuis gastropub while walking around. Was pretty tasty: pork filet w/ mushroom sauce. The people seem to like this concept of mushroom creamy sauce a lot--also spotted in Zurich!


Some pastries from the Jordaan. Canele, some kind of pistachio carrot nut thing...whatever.


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