I was gonna open with the fish bones but well--that might be a bit gross :P so...there! And here's the sardine bein' eaten, with my Merguez sausage sammich w/ ratatouille!! :) Not enough ratatouille if u ask me, but tasty. I'm not a big fan of sausage but this was nice--I think it was lamb? Didn't taste too gamey, very minty, a bit of heat--there was some bit of veggie in the ratatouille that was particualarly citrus-y and explosion of tastiness in my mouth! but I couldn't discern :(
Secret pyro in me was hypnotized. Made me want to...burn things. HEHE. You can see the contrast in 2 grills below :):
We had to take pause b/c Albee got some curried beef with potatoes & olives from Le Souk--which was suprisingly very very very good! I mean...not that it was mindblowing, but I don't think much of curried stewy things but this was delightful. This will be in another post with other misc foodthings from the rest of the festival. Picked my sardine clean @ central park, and washed it down with orangina! :) Viva la France! :P
YUMMMAAAY. will for sure be going back to Bistro 61 :) Maybe I can stalk them to participate in Project by Project :)
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