Sunday, July 12, 2009

Payard @ Bastille Day Festival!...

I...just can't describe...just...very balanced, not too sweet, decadent. MMMmMMmmmmMmMMmmMMmmmMmmmmMmMMMMMmmMMmMMMM.

raspberry mousse cake...
That, amigos, is a raspberry mousse cake. It wasn't too tart, the creme tasted egg-y, teh cake was moist and dense, but not spongey--a bit on the crumbly side. Very nice...very nice INDEEED. Anddddd that's why it opens this little show :)

Then there was some apricot pastry thing and a lemon tart. I'm not particularly fond of lemon tarts/cakes/WHATEVER so...that was a no-go. I don't care if it's good. I don't like! booo! I do find the smell of lemon cleaning products kind of nice. There might be a connection here :). Onward--there was also an "opera" cake...chocolate..something. There were raspberry AND strawberry tarts. Also good--wasn't as striking as the raspberry mousse but, well, what is. :)
DSC_2688apricot thing and lemon tart from Payard @ Bastille Day Fest...
macadamia caramel & raspberry tart from Payard @ Bastille day fest...DSC_2706
I didn't eat the chocolate caramel tart until I got home. I have to say, it was pretty resilient bouncing around in my bag all and being dragged thru Central Park and the heat! I didn't really know what to think of it first--to be honest I bought it just for pictures and to balance out the fruit stuffs I bough. Opera cakes don't appeal to me so...had to fill my chocolate quota somehow! BUT, just like the raspberry mousse cake and everything else--it was very nice!

I was actually quite surprised that this chocolate caramel tart was one of my favorites of the day--I'm not a fan of caramel but this was like a waterfall of caramely infused chocolate or something reminiscent of such. NUMMAAAAY. sure licked mah fingas clean w/ this one.
hazelnut and pistacchio caramel from Payard @ bastille day fest...DSC_0043
Here's some more of the mousse and the...i dunno...but...yay cake! Don't you want to pet it like a pretty, edible chinchilla of sorts? :P TEEHEE!! Too bad Payard...has closed :( le *sigh*. Back to my mousse. So...slick lookin' and so jiggly looking! So good lookin', made me wanna stab it. AND I DID! :) TEEHEE!!!! *whispers*iloveyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!** :D

There was a whole sequence capturing the mousse/bomb in various stages of being devoured which makes for a funny series'll just make me sad seeing it all gone w/ enticing little crumbies left :( Maybe I'll insert it later (I did think the ending shots of the mousse's demise was picturesque and evocative :P)

Nonetheless, here's a picture of its innards!...
raspberry mousse cake...

Bistro 61 @ Bastille Day Festival!...

Grilled sardines with some kind of salsa of onions, tomatoes, pine nuts, lemon juice..I don't even know but YUMMAAAAAY!! :) I DON"T EVEN KNOW. but It was nice--good charring, nummay num num.
sardines @ bistro 61, Bastille Day fest..
I was gonna open with the fish bones but well--that might be a bit gross :P so...there! And here's the sardine bein' eaten, with my Merguez sausage sammich w/ ratatouille!! :) Not enough ratatouille if u ask me, but tasty. I'm not a big fan of sausage but this was nice--I think it was lamb? Didn't taste too gamey, very minty, a bit of heat--there was some bit of veggie in the ratatouille that was particualarly citrus-y and explosion of tastiness in my mouth! but I couldn't discern :(
grilled sardine from Bistro 61 @ Bastille Day festival...merguez/ratatouille sammich!...
I really liked Bistro 61's booth--mostly b/c they were so jocund and feisty and effervescent. The chef made me take a picture of him serving me :) What I loved watching was the grill--one side had a nice smolder going to grill the sardines...the other was...ON FIYAAAAAAAH!!!! :D
grilled merguez sausage @ Bastille Day fest...
Secret pyro in me was hypnotized. Made me want to...burn things. HEHE. You can see the contrast in 2 grills below :):
sardine on grill @ Bistro 61, Bastille Day fest...merguez sausages...on fiyah!!....
We had to take pause b/c Albee got some curried beef with potatoes & olives from Le Souk--which was suprisingly very very very good! I mean...not that it was mindblowing, but I don't think much of curried stewy things but this was delightful. This will be in another post with other misc foodthings from the rest of the festival. Picked my sardine clean @ central park, and washed it down with orangina! :) Viva la France! :P
YUMMMAAAY. will for sure be going back to Bistro 61 :) Maybe I can stalk them to participate in Project by Project :)