Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I am now Jewish and/or Tenente Henry...

I always thought eating cheese with some pears/apples and chunks of bread was really Hemingway-esque and really foreign to me, but as of late I really like eating Grana Padano cheese (sort of like Parmiggiano but more flavorful), and by "really like" I mean I'm certifiably obsessed--i CRAVE it...

Seriously isn't that the most beautiful cheese on earth? I love slicing it superthin and eating it with the Fairway 5 mix Olives & rosemary...thing...and mini toast that just rocks my little socks. You can't go wrong with olive tepanade but I'm digging the whole olives at the moment--green, purple, red, french, italian, greek, californian, etc...

Did I mention I bring a little tupperware thing of the Grana Padano sliced up, with some olives, and some Zomick's egg challa bread (comes in an orange/white checkered plastic bag--and sometimes breakaway rolls! :))? That or the All from Fairway? yeaaaaah.....

Btw--kalamata olives are overated, the French's (nicoise) and Italy's (Belle di Cerignola) is the bommmmmmb. :)

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